Archive for November 29th, 2012


Just as I am over my fever, and on the mend, Axel is starting to pick up whatever strain of bugs I introduced in the house. He has to collapse whatever he has into three days, no more.

In the meantime I am trying to collapse lots of small and big assignments into the remaining three days as I would like to leave on Saturday being able to focus on what lies ahead in Japan and nothing else.

This is a challenge because most of the hours I am at the office are booked for one or another meeting. And so my early arrival at the office (6:15 AM) is helpful, leaving me a few hours to be at my most productive and most creative. There is a benefit to getting up in the middle of the night.

Much of my time now is devoted to learning or promoting learning. It is an enjoyable task because I get to explore areas that had either faded into faraway parts of my brain or are entirely new. Today we listened to two knowledge management experts of a local (for profit) management consulting firm. With knowledge its primary product, the company spends considerable resources on knowledge management and learning. We invited them to see what such a Cadillac model looks like and spark some ideas about things we could do, given our limited resources.  A few of us left with our minds spinning and much in awe. We have a ways to go but were warned not to bite off more than we can chew.  Good advice.

November 2012


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